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Friday, February 15, 2008

Snow Days/The Great College Deliema

Okay. So, like how many days have we had off of school? Like twenty? I know im exaggerating, but seriously. Ive needed a vacation since the beginning of the school year. I was a slave at Hardees all of christmas break (even against my will on christmas day. i didnt get to spend it with my family) so that break totally didnt count. Then, this week, I finally get the break ive been waiting for. I had no homework monday so i didnt take anything home. And what did i do all break? Sit at home thinking about how i need to do this and that and how i shouldnt have left such and such at school because i need it to finish this scholarship and do this and that and UGH! HELP! I couldnt even enjoy my break. I suck. As a senior who is ready to graduate, i never thought id say this but Im so glad to be back at school. Lol.

Honestly, im scared shitless of graduating, and while i was sitting at home worrying about school, I discovered a fault in "the life plan". For those of you who dont know, "the life plan" is to graduate from SVHS on May 15, use the three weeks between then and June 7th wisely (mostly to get myself together for the next three semesters), start RLC on June 7, graduate next May with my associates in arts, take the summer off to relax (hopefully w/ a week or so of vaca in down Austin), and then begin at a four year school to major in print journalism and get my bachelors. The fault in this is that i havent decided where im gonna go after Rend Lake...

I have two choices at the forefront of my mind: Murray State University in Murray, Ky and University of Texas in Austin, Tx. Ive done research on both schools and it stacks up like this. RLC works closely with Murray State so all my Rend Lake classes will transfer and I would enter as a junior. Southern Illinois is in district so no out of state tuition (in fact, its cheaper to go there and live on campus than to live at home and drive to SIUC). All the required classes and electives for my print journalism major are listed (with course descrpitions) online and im interesed in all of it. I checked out the whole website, all the campus organizations and everything, and it all sounds really good. Everything about it just feels right...I know, so whats the problem, right? Well, Brandon is the problem. I love that boy to death, and in a perfect world, i would go to UT to be closer to him. He kinda wants me to and he is technically the only reason i want to go there, but he has a lot of pull with me. Plus, its not like its a bad school or anything. I mean, I could go there and it would be okay. I just don’t know...

I did talk to him about this though and he told me that I should go wherever feels right for me and leave him out of it, which is kinda hard. Idk what im gonna do. I think its gonna depend on what the next year holds. Honestly, I probably will end up at Murray though. Thats how im leaning as of now, but well just have to see.


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Public Speaking

So, yesterday fourth hour I did my first speech for RLC Speech class. Our speeches were self-introductory speeches, so in other words, it was about me.

Im one of those people who has a hard time opening up about myself to other people. I hide my emotions so well, whether im sad or slightly annoyed or pissed off or w/e. The only people I have ever been able to open up to are my very best friends so it was difficult. Like, my knees were knocking and my hands were shaking and i was sweating. I could hear my voice waver and there was a big knot in my stomach. I thought i was gonna cry. It was terrible.

The people who know me best will be surprised by this, because to them im loud and opinionated and never shut up. They will think that that speech shouldve been easy, but no. Public speaking terrifies me. To the core.

But, after i was done, everybody told me i did fine and that they couldnt tell i was nervous at all, so i guess that makes me feel better. But it was scary. Freaking scary.

Ill do better next time.


Friday, January 25, 2008

I Think I Found It

The Star Wars Holiday Special circa 1978. Brandon is going to "steal" it from Nate and send it to me. Hats off to him. Hes so my hero.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Life As A Procrastinator/Dead Poet Society/Adventures In Chem Class

Ive discovered i need help with my procrastination problem. You see, I need to study for my Trig test tomorrow, but im probably not going to tkae my stuff home because i dont want to study. I need to finish my master application for Jilg tomorrow, but i probably wont bring it home becasue i dont feel like doing it. We have been in the library all week in both fourth (speech) and seventh (english) hours, working on a self-awareness speech and a literary analysis paper both due next week. I have not started either one. I plan on doing them this weekend. But then again, ive been planning to start eating less and working out more since before Christmas, but i never remember this on sundays and im really OCD about certain things to where i always have to start long term things on mondays (beginning of the week) or it bugs me, so needless to say i havent started yet. This procrastination thing is getting out of hand, but i keep putting off getting help. Ironic, huh?...

Anyone seen the movie Dead Poet Society? If not, watch it. Then you will understand when i say that i really want to stand up on my chair right now and say "Oh captain, my captain". Im so tired that im to the point of being loopy now so, seriously, if anyone else has the urge to do it too, ill start if you promise to follow. Lol...

And speaking of being kinda loopy, i had Chemistry last hour. There are two sophomores, three seniors, and a bunch of juniors, so Mrs. Williams made us do this ACT prep test thing. Im so sitting there, trying to do this retarded standardized test (which btw, i decided i have an ethical problem with standardized tests. we are all different. why give us the same retarded test?). So, im sitting there, i get to a question about kruat. It has something to do with water and limestone and seeping through the earth. Idk really. But the paragraph is like four inches long and im trying to read it but the words are all kinda of out of focus and swimming around. I get to the question, "which of the following phenomenons can easily be classified as kruat?" and im like "omg. wait. what is kruat?" so i had to go back and read it again. I kept getting distracted and i once found myself staring off into space, actually thinking 'this is like on tv where the character stares off with a blank look on their face and you can hear their thoughts and its completely random...' It was the worst test of my life. I think its time to go home and sleep...

<3-...ill sign later...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Its Too Loud

Im sitting in Consumer Ed. And I feel...sick...sort of. Actually, im insanely worn out--if i closed my eyes for point five seconds, id be out like a light. And i have splitting headache. I wish everybody would stfu and quit making noise. Its so loud in here. I didnt know it was possible to be this loud. Its making my head hurt worse...actually im typing kinda loud. Grr. Guess im gonna have to work on that one...I think im just imagining the loudness. No one else notices how loud im typing. *looks around* Yep just me...Wow. Im sick...But its not like im sick to my stomach or anything...Its like a hangover minus the nausea (not that i would know or anything...)...Idk whats wrong w/ me, but its terrible. I cant get anything done this way. Last night when i went home from scholar bowl, i ate leftover pepperoni and pinapple pizza from the night before, attempted to do my trig (i gave up after two problems), and went to bed at eight o'clock. Man, I suck. This is ridiculous...

<3-oh, sick one.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cloverfield/Little Shop Of Horrors

Okay. So...went to go see Cloverfield last night...

The movie is sort of like a documentary of these friends throwing their friend a going away party on the night when something attacks NYC. The beginning is completely stupid. It does have significance to part of the plot of the rest of the movie, but in all reality, the beginning still sucked. I was thinking "wow. why am i here" like the entire freaking time...Um, once the thing attacked the city it was better, i guess. At least it was interesting then. But you never really find out what the thing is (contrary to some opinions ive heard, it is not Godzilla. Dont believe that) and you never find out if they stop it and if i could say more without giving it away, i would...

But, basically, it sucked. The previews looked good, but i would give it, like, a B-.

And also, does anyone know what Little Shop Of Horrors is? Apparently its a movie and a play. I had never heard of it until i was texting Brandon last night while me and Scott were at Pizza Hut. He quoted from it and i was like "never heard of it" and he was real surprised by that. I asked Scott and hes heard of it but never seen the whole thing. And i asked my mom this morning. She heard of it. Even my little brother has heard of it. So apparently im deprived. Now i have to see this movie. So if anyone knows what Little Shop Of Horrors is and/or more importantly where i can get it/borrow it from so i can watch it, let me know.


Friday, January 18, 2008


So, I have Ill Be by Edwin McCain stuck in my head.

And I dont know all the words.

I blame Kristen Michele.

She was playing it on her phone yesterday at scholar bowl.

Does anyone know all the words?

Or have it on their iPod so i can listen and make it go away?

No one Ive talked to does.

It is driving me crazy.

K. Thx.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I Got My Prom Dress

Presented with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and a day off last Saturday, i decided to go look at prom dresses. And i do mean look. Prom is April 26. Its months away. I had no intention whatsoever of buying a dress. I really just wanted to get an idea of what i wanted, because it usually takes twenty stores and ten thousand dresses before i make up my mind...

The first place i went was A Special Occasion in West Frankfort and i have never bought a dress there before. I never really find anything i like, but i thought i would look. I looked around, picked out a few dresses and tried them on. I wasnt real happy with any of them and i was about to say "lets leave" when my mom was like "what about this one?" On the rack, i didnt really like the color and i didnt really like the shape and i was like "blah" but i tried it on anyway and i was like "OMG. This is the dress"...So i bought it...

Its kind of like an tealy-aquamarine color and pretty poofy with like blue and green netting and a little bit of beading on the bottom. The top has a lot of silvery beading all over it, and its strapless and laces down in the back. Its absolutely gorgeous.

Its basically like a miracle that i found a dress so soon and at the first place i went. The problem is that i cant gain any weight between now and prom. Looks like i better start doing sit ups.

So...has anyone else got their dress yet?

Monday, December 10, 2007


I noticed as i was adding my new banner to the top of my blog (^up there^) that you can add slideshows too, and so i was wondering...

Should I add the Salt and Pepper Documentary to my blog?

If you have no idea what im talking about, ask me. But comment and let me know.

Much love.

Monday, December 3, 2007

These Shoes Are Three Hundred Dollars...

This blog is for the one and only Jon Loucks...

So, Jon and I went black friday shopping (the day after thanksgiving), and on the way home he made me promise to blog about the experience that night. Here i am, sitting in RLC Eng 1101, one week later, and im finally blogging it out. Ah, sweet procrastination...

For those of you who dont know him, Jons a sweet boy, but wow, does he scare the crap out of me in the morning. Jon, hes a morning person. Hes wide awake and peppy when i pull up to get him. He hops in, does his little Jon Loucks "squeal", and says "Amanda, Im so excited!" Me, im so not a morning person. Im still in cranky, dont talk to me, must-get-more-sleep mode, and i cringe at his exuberant cry. It is waaaaay too early for this.

As we entered the C'dale mall through the Goodys entrace, we see lines as far as the eye can see, and I have a feeling its going to be a long day. A heavy coat, some dress pants, and an hour later or so later, i found myself buying something for my mom, standing in a line 15 yards long, thinking "She better love me for this". Jon is in a different store, in a different 15 yards long line, thinking the same thing as me. And we were texting each other. Funny how it works like that sometimes...

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, i guess, until we went to the new humongo Marion walmart (yeah, i said it, humongo (...)). Jonzie and i are wandering around, slightly aimless, when come to the Latin/Asian food aisle. This is what we found...

(pics to come)

Yes, thats right. Apparently in a So IL walmart latin food is the equivilant of boxed tacos and asian food is the equivilant of soy sauce. Sadly, as jon and i were raised in a little back coutry hick town, we found this extremely funny and were laughing quite loudly when (not to be racist) a black guy walked by and gave us a dirty look. I, of course, texted my bestie Brandon with pics and a storyline of the event. He already has a...bad (i guess) impression of So IL because of things ive said, and because of Nates backwoods redneck stories, for which i can often testify as truth. (I think together Nate and I have probably lowered his IQ by quite a few points)...

But the best part of the whole day was definately sitting with Jons computer watching the shoes video. "These shoes are 300 dollars. These shoes are 300 dollars. These shoes are 300 f-ing dollars...LETS GET 'EM!"

Much love, Jonzie!
