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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Its Too Loud

Im sitting in Consumer Ed. And I feel...sick...sort of. Actually, im insanely worn out--if i closed my eyes for point five seconds, id be out like a light. And i have splitting headache. I wish everybody would stfu and quit making noise. Its so loud in here. I didnt know it was possible to be this loud. Its making my head hurt worse...actually im typing kinda loud. Grr. Guess im gonna have to work on that one...I think im just imagining the loudness. No one else notices how loud im typing. *looks around* Yep just me...Wow. Im sick...But its not like im sick to my stomach or anything...Its like a hangover minus the nausea (not that i would know or anything...)...Idk whats wrong w/ me, but its terrible. I cant get anything done this way. Last night when i went home from scholar bowl, i ate leftover pepperoni and pinapple pizza from the night before, attempted to do my trig (i gave up after two problems), and went to bed at eight o'clock. Man, I suck. This is ridiculous...

<3-oh, sick one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

everyone is getting sick...feel better!
