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Friday, February 15, 2008

Snow Days/The Great College Deliema

Okay. So, like how many days have we had off of school? Like twenty? I know im exaggerating, but seriously. Ive needed a vacation since the beginning of the school year. I was a slave at Hardees all of christmas break (even against my will on christmas day. i didnt get to spend it with my family) so that break totally didnt count. Then, this week, I finally get the break ive been waiting for. I had no homework monday so i didnt take anything home. And what did i do all break? Sit at home thinking about how i need to do this and that and how i shouldnt have left such and such at school because i need it to finish this scholarship and do this and that and UGH! HELP! I couldnt even enjoy my break. I suck. As a senior who is ready to graduate, i never thought id say this but Im so glad to be back at school. Lol.

Honestly, im scared shitless of graduating, and while i was sitting at home worrying about school, I discovered a fault in "the life plan". For those of you who dont know, "the life plan" is to graduate from SVHS on May 15, use the three weeks between then and June 7th wisely (mostly to get myself together for the next three semesters), start RLC on June 7, graduate next May with my associates in arts, take the summer off to relax (hopefully w/ a week or so of vaca in down Austin), and then begin at a four year school to major in print journalism and get my bachelors. The fault in this is that i havent decided where im gonna go after Rend Lake...

I have two choices at the forefront of my mind: Murray State University in Murray, Ky and University of Texas in Austin, Tx. Ive done research on both schools and it stacks up like this. RLC works closely with Murray State so all my Rend Lake classes will transfer and I would enter as a junior. Southern Illinois is in district so no out of state tuition (in fact, its cheaper to go there and live on campus than to live at home and drive to SIUC). All the required classes and electives for my print journalism major are listed (with course descrpitions) online and im interesed in all of it. I checked out the whole website, all the campus organizations and everything, and it all sounds really good. Everything about it just feels right...I know, so whats the problem, right? Well, Brandon is the problem. I love that boy to death, and in a perfect world, i would go to UT to be closer to him. He kinda wants me to and he is technically the only reason i want to go there, but he has a lot of pull with me. Plus, its not like its a bad school or anything. I mean, I could go there and it would be okay. I just don’t know...

I did talk to him about this though and he told me that I should go wherever feels right for me and leave him out of it, which is kinda hard. Idk what im gonna do. I think its gonna depend on what the next year holds. Honestly, I probably will end up at Murray though. Thats how im leaning as of now, but well just have to see.


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