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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Life As A Procrastinator/Dead Poet Society/Adventures In Chem Class

Ive discovered i need help with my procrastination problem. You see, I need to study for my Trig test tomorrow, but im probably not going to tkae my stuff home because i dont want to study. I need to finish my master application for Jilg tomorrow, but i probably wont bring it home becasue i dont feel like doing it. We have been in the library all week in both fourth (speech) and seventh (english) hours, working on a self-awareness speech and a literary analysis paper both due next week. I have not started either one. I plan on doing them this weekend. But then again, ive been planning to start eating less and working out more since before Christmas, but i never remember this on sundays and im really OCD about certain things to where i always have to start long term things on mondays (beginning of the week) or it bugs me, so needless to say i havent started yet. This procrastination thing is getting out of hand, but i keep putting off getting help. Ironic, huh?...

Anyone seen the movie Dead Poet Society? If not, watch it. Then you will understand when i say that i really want to stand up on my chair right now and say "Oh captain, my captain". Im so tired that im to the point of being loopy now so, seriously, if anyone else has the urge to do it too, ill start if you promise to follow. Lol...

And speaking of being kinda loopy, i had Chemistry last hour. There are two sophomores, three seniors, and a bunch of juniors, so Mrs. Williams made us do this ACT prep test thing. Im so sitting there, trying to do this retarded standardized test (which btw, i decided i have an ethical problem with standardized tests. we are all different. why give us the same retarded test?). So, im sitting there, i get to a question about kruat. It has something to do with water and limestone and seeping through the earth. Idk really. But the paragraph is like four inches long and im trying to read it but the words are all kinda of out of focus and swimming around. I get to the question, "which of the following phenomenons can easily be classified as kruat?" and im like "omg. wait. what is kruat?" so i had to go back and read it again. I kept getting distracted and i once found myself staring off into space, actually thinking 'this is like on tv where the character stares off with a blank look on their face and you can hear their thoughts and its completely random...' It was the worst test of my life. I think its time to go home and sleep...

<3-...ill sign later...

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