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Friday, January 25, 2008

I Think I Found It

The Star Wars Holiday Special circa 1978. Brandon is going to "steal" it from Nate and send it to me. Hats off to him. Hes so my hero.



Anonymous said...

That is so awesome, Amanda!
I'm stoked. I can't wait to get out of here. It's starting to feel prison-ish.

thanks for the heads up about JILG, too. ^^

Anonymous said...

i didn't even know that star wars had a christmas special.

i bet that's worth some money, you should get it, watch it, and then introduce it to EBAY!

(im kidding of course, kind of)

Anonymous said...

your speech was really good today amanda! i didn't notice a studder or nervousness at all! you did really great! ^^