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Friday, September 7, 2007

Shoulda Took A Picture

Okay, so. I live in southern illinois. You know youre from southern illinois when there are corn/soy bean fields as far as the eye can see and your neighbor is anybody that lives within a mile or so of you. Me, i dont live in town. I live out in the middle of the country so a lot of my neighbors own cattle. They need to learn to take better care of them...

Earlier this week, im driving to school. I have my little brother with me and im running a little later than usual. I get near the end of my road to turn onto the highway and when i look around i see cows. Both sides of the road have pastures so i wasnt real disturbed until one of them walked right in front of me. Im not gonna lie, i was kinda scared and i just kept honking my horn at them to moooooove on out of my way. They were not very cooperative cows.

Finally i got through them, and as i turned onto the highway i looked over at my brother and the first words out of my mouth were "Dang it, Cody, I shoulda took a picture!"


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