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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Breaking The Rules/"Ban Dan"

You know how some people say that whenever you break the rules, you get a rush. Well, dont listen to them. They lied.

How do i know? Its 11:53 AM and im in the middle of my fourth hour Preparatory Studies class with Mrs Johnson. Im sitting in the back corner of the high school library writing this blog. Now, im supposed to be working on something but blogging is way more fun, so i opted to go that route. They couldnt keep me out of my hotmail either. Even though going to is blocked, go to and click sign in. Sign in and then click hotmail and you can get into your inbox. Ha. Like they can keep me out. =]

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And speaking of blocking things...

The other day i was talking to my younger brother about how the school somtimes blocks websites that are actually appropriate and educational. I think they ban things for the sake of banning them sometimes, but what can you do? Well...

I remember back in the day when the blocker they used to stop us was Dans AccessGuardian. Boy, did we hate that thing, and did we ever campaign against it. We ever clever with our slogans but the catchiest one was a simple two words, which i will leave you with because the bell is about to ring.

Remember, kids...

"Ban Dan"

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Much love.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Goatees, Goat Cheese, And Sun Tea...Oh My!

I havent blogged in a while, so i just wanted to let you know that the first two sections of this blog are events of today, and the last one happened a few weeks ago. I threw it in for rhyming purposes in the title. Thats basically it. Enjoy!

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So, im sitting in Chemsitry sixth hour today and my lab partner Ashley is talking to me, something about her boyfriend, x-men, and chinese people with goatees, but i wasnt really listening becasue i was rewriting answer on my chemistry worksheet. Im not really sure what the initial conversaton was (ssh, dont tell), but i know this: i wasnt really fazed about her talk of chinese people having goatees. Apparently i was supposed to be...

"Well, how many chinese people do you know that have goatees?" she asked.
"All of them." I replied, pulling a serious face.
She studied me a moment. "Do you even know any chinese people?"
I smiled and said, matter-of-factly, "No, but if i did, they would all have goatees."

Just thought id share that with you. It leads right into the goat cheese...

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I was talking to my Beaver (brandon griffin) earlier, and the beave is telling me random stories about his day. I begin to tell him about the chinese people with goatees conversation, but the phone kept cutting out. He asked me what im doing with goat cheese. It took ten minutes to explain to him that i said goatees not goat cheese. Awkward.

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So, a few weeks ago, im sitting on my couch on a sunny saturday afternoon doing trig when my dad walks through the room and out the front door with a clear, plastic jug in his hand. The jug contained water and two tea bags. He sat it on our porch in the sunlight and came back inside. When i asked what he was doing, he said he was making "sun tea" and that when he was a kid that was how my grandparents had made tea. If you sit a jug with such contents outside in the sun, it will boil the tea out of the bags and thus make tea. I had never heard of it, but i found out from a friend that his mom makes tea that way. I just thought it was interesting...

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Much love, kids.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Shoulda Took A Picture

Okay, so. I live in southern illinois. You know youre from southern illinois when there are corn/soy bean fields as far as the eye can see and your neighbor is anybody that lives within a mile or so of you. Me, i dont live in town. I live out in the middle of the country so a lot of my neighbors own cattle. They need to learn to take better care of them...

Earlier this week, im driving to school. I have my little brother with me and im running a little later than usual. I get near the end of my road to turn onto the highway and when i look around i see cows. Both sides of the road have pastures so i wasnt real disturbed until one of them walked right in front of me. Im not gonna lie, i was kinda scared and i just kept honking my horn at them to moooooove on out of my way. They were not very cooperative cows.

Finally i got through them, and as i turned onto the highway i looked over at my brother and the first words out of my mouth were "Dang it, Cody, I shoulda took a picture!"


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Seniors In Session/ SMC/ No Way, Jacob!

Okay, so for the past two weeks weve been back in school. Its my senior year and am i siked? You bet i am! Theres just one teeny problem. THE PAST TWO WEEKS HAVE FELT LIKE TWO YEARS! Ugh. I am never going to graduate at this rate! It feels like it is dragging on and on and on! Graduation or bust. Graduation or bust. I think im going to bust...yeah. Totally...

And while were on the subject of seniors and graduation, I had Jessica Hollis take my Senior pics somewhere around a month ago. She did a really amazing job and i was very pleased with the results. This is just a sample of my senior pics...

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I really do love my pictures. Jessica is honestly a really great photographer and a pleasure to work with. To see more of her work, check out the JHP website,

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As most of you know, my grandmother died at the end of the last school year and losing her has been hard for me (even though i try not to show it). Well, a couple weeks ago im with my mom and my aunt and we were at my grandmas going through her things when my dad calls. He had been playing video games with my brother and thought he smelled something burning, but he wasnt cooking anything. He went into the kitchen and he couldnt decided where the smell was coming from. He finally pinpointed the smell to be coming from the microwaves direction so he walked over and laid a hand on it. It was hot to the touch so he got a pair of gloves, unplugged it, and carried it outside to sit in the middle of our driveway...

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I guess something in it shorted out. If it hadnt been disconnected from its power source and taken away from where it had sat, it might have burst into flames or something. SMC--spontaneous microwave combustions. Yeah, because thats safe...

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Thursday night, i was supposed to work 5p-8p but because Hardees likes to screw people over by scheduling way too many people at a time then calling me to tell me i dont have to come in to work, i didnt have to work that night. Homework and chores done, i pondered what to do. Then i called Erika...

Erika ALWAYS knows what to do, and she didnt fail me this time. We picked up Ashley and headed off to Skankfort for a catch up session with Devin and Jacob. Double D was pretty much as emo as ever, and Jacob...well...thats a whole nother story.

He, Erika, Ashley, and I were hungry so we strolled into McDonalds at about 8 o'clock and while i was getting french fries, Jacob and Erika were concocting a plan. Smart as they are, they decided to steal the salt and pepper shakers (which i didnt know until we were safely in the Neon again). Now first of all, who steals salt and pepper shakers? Well, i guess Jacob and Erika do. Second of all, "NO WAY, JACOB!"...

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This is what i found in my passenger side floorboard after school on Friday. When i took Jacob home, apparently the salt shaker stayed with me and rolled around in the floor making a mess. A BIG mess. And when i picked it up, it was still half full. What am i supposed to do with a half full McDonalds salt shaker? And when you spill salt, arent you supposed to throw it over your shoulder? And who the heck is gonna clean up this mess?...

Tune in next time. There are plenty of adventures to come. Haha.

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Much love.